domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012


This is the list of 11 best inventions of many Mexicans.

6. Quality protein maize (QPM Ingés for short): Evangelina Villegas created a double maize quality protein and 10% more degrono. This new product is an instrument in the fight against hunger in the world.

5. Translucent concrete: walls can lift almost transparent, more durable than traditional concrete and has the ability to be cast under water and be 30% lighter than concrete so far known.

4. Color TV: Guillermo Gonzalez Camarena invented in 1940 a system for transmitting color TV, Trichromatic System Field Sequential. Later he created a simpler system to create color, bicolor Simplified System. We may also note that television is one of the most used appliances in the world.

3. Pill: Luis Ernesto Miramontes was the synthesis of norethindrone, a compound active base of the first synthetic oral contraceptive. Miramontes appeared included in the USA Inventors Hall of Fame Along with men like Newton.

2. A new solution rehidratica: Alejandro Hernandez invented a new solution that can rehydrate rehidatica unidentifiable corpses almost like they just die. This solution could be used with mummified bodies and even, could be one of the greatest inventions of all time, because it could be the fountain of youth
11. The Rocket Belt (belt flying) a device placed in the back and thanks to the type of motor carrier can fly and has appeared in films like James Bond. Rocket Belt was also the inspiration for the Jet Pack.

10. Piles of control: Due to the complex characteristics of the subsoil of Mexico City with these you can control the movements of the building which is able to continue to the ground during the sinking of the city.9. Project GNOME (GNU Network Model Environment): It came in August 1997 as a graphical development environment for operating systems Unix / Linux, composed of free software, creation of the Mexican Miguel de Icaza and Federico Mena.

9. Google and Oracle: The Mexican professor at Stanford University Hector Garcia Molina was who advised and coordinated the doctoral thesis of the students and then Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and is an advisor to Yahoo!.

8. Mousepad: Armando M. Fernandez resieño for commercial use or mousepad mouse pad in 1979, based on knowledge engineering cost reduction, quality, reliability, characterization and specification of components and systems.

7. Book on-demand technology: Victor Celorio invented a new printing InstaBook quick call, which publishes a book in 17 seconds, where you can choose the most appropriate design and even the writers without a publisher can print copies.


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