domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012


En este video observaremos un circuito básico llamado "puente H" para el funcionamiento de uno de los motores para la grúa automatizada
el material necesario para su elaboración es:
dos transistores tip 31
dos transistores tip 32
dos transistores 2N2222
cuatro diodos 1N4001
dos resistencias 1K
dos resistencias 27K
un motor eléctrico desde 6V hasta 12V
alambre telefónico
un protoboard
fuente de alimentación de 9V

se dice que el circuito es "puente H" por su forma de conexión
primero colocaremos un transistor TIP 32 en el extremo superior izquierdo y el otro en el extremo superior derecho
después haremos lo mismo con los transistores tip 31 pero en la parte inferior
entre cada transistor se le colocara un diodo formando los 4 en serie
el transistor 2N se coloca entre el tip 32 y el tip 31 en diagonal lo mismo con el otro transistor
de los dos diodos centrales se sacan las terminales para el motor
con sus respectivas resistencias para proteger el circuito eléctrico
este circuito sirve para la inversión de giro ósea avance y retroceso de un motor

In this video we will see a basic circuit called "H bridge" for the operation of an engine for automated crane
the material necessary for its elaboration is
two transistors tip 31
two transistors tip 32
two 2N2222 transistors
four 1N4001 diode
two resistors 1K
two resistors 27K
an electric motor from 6V to 12V
telephone wire
a breadboard
9V power supply

states that the circuit is "H bridge" in form of connection
first place a TIP transistor 32 at the upper end LEFT and the other in the upper right
then do the same with transistors tip 31 but at the bottom
between each transistor is a diode placed in series to form the 4
2N transistor is placed between the tip 32 and tip 31 in diagonal the same with the other transistor
core of the two diodes are removed for the motor terminals
with their respective strengths to protect the electric circuit
This circuit is used for the inversion of forward and reverse bone rotation of a motor

lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012


This marvel of volcano is impressive but we CUTE DOWN the level of the action as it affects many people around.

Should it be a strong volcanic eruption the inhabitants would have to GET OUT OF comunity immediately to survive the catastrophic event.

Yesterday I MEET UP WITH SOMEONE very interesting because he was a scientist and walked just inquiring about the volcanic activity.

I think we should PUT SOMETHING ON underway, such advocacy campaign to help alos affected natural disaster.